Compact For Student Success
Student Pledge
Student Pledge
Student Pledge
As a student, I pledge to:
- Come to school on time and ready to learn
- Demonstrate my best efforts on all class work and homework
- Ask for help when needed
- Be responsible for my own behavior
- Work cooperatively with others
- Respect all school rules and procedures
Parent/guardian Pledge
Parent/guardian Pledge
Parent/guardian Pledge
As a parent/guardian, I pledge to:
- Regularly read to or with my child
- Provide a quiet time and place for homework; provide support when needed
- Ensure regular, punctual attendance
- Provide for proper rest and nutrition
- Attend parent/teacher conferenced to discuss my child's progress and achievement
- Communicate with the school when I have a concern
- Participate and/or volunteer at school/classroom activities, including voluntary home visits and community-based meetings
- Read all correspondence from the school
- Support the school with the enforcement of school rules and procedures
Staff member pledge
Staff member pledge
Staff member pledge
As a school staff member, I pledge to:
- Provide clear and high expectations within a supportive environment
- Provide high quality instruction using District adopted materials
- Teach al students at grade level using standards-based lessons with appropriate intervention
- Provide opportunities for parents to learn how to help their child
- Participate in voluntary home visits and community-based meetings
- Communicate regularly with families about their student's progress
- Schedule teacher/parent conferences to discuss student progress
- Provide opportunities for parents to participate and/or volunteer in classroom activities