As a small school district and due to Covid-19 we are not running any District sponsored athletics programs in the 20-21 School Year. All extracurricular and cocurricular activities that may be allowed due to Covid 19 will adhere to Title IX regulations set forth above and be governend by board policies outlines belown We will not discriminate or tolerate in any athletic program or any other program unlawful discrimination targeting a student, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying, based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or any other legally protected status or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The coordinator/compliance officer(s) may be contacted at: (Education Code 234.1; 5 CCR 4621)
- BP AR & E 5145.3 Non Discrimination Harassment Title IX
- BP & AR 6145.2 Policy on Non Discrimination in Athletic Competition
- BP & AR 6145 A Extra Curricular & Co Curricular Activities
- BP AR & E Complaints, Uniform Complaints
Competitive Athletics:
18/19 School Year
- Total Enrollment 119- 60 Boys, 59 Girls.
- 35 Students enrolled who competed in competitive athletics- 17 Boys, 18 Girls
- 2 Boys Basketball Teams: 5/6 Grade Boys; 7/8 Grade Boys Intramural Athletics
- 2 Girls Basketball Team: 5/6 Grade Girls; 7/8 Grade Boys Intramural Athletics
19/20 School Year
- Total Enrollment 108- 47 Boys, 61 Girls.
- 35 Students enrolled who competed in competitive athletics- 17 Boys, 18 Girls
- 2 Boys Basketball Teams: 5/6 Grade Boys; 7/8 Grade Boys Intramural Athletics
- 2 Girls Basketball Team: 5/6 Grade Girls; 7/8 Grade Boys Intramural Athletics