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Sausalito Marin City School District

Sausalito Marin City School District


Welcome to Our Dashboard Page!
We are excited to introduce you to our Dashboards, your one-stop destination for key insights into our school district.
Here, you will find valuable information about demographics, attendance trends, suspension data, and test scores.
This is just the beginning, we are committed to continuously expanding and enhancing the dashboards in the coming months to provide even more comprehensive and useful data.
Thank you for exploring our dashboards, and stay tuned for updates as we continue to develop this powerful tool for transparency and community engagement.


Attendance Dashboard
The Attendance Dashboard provides an overview of student attendance trends, highlighting rates by grade, and demographic groups to support efforts in reducing absenteeism.
Suspension Dashboard
The Suspension Dashboard displays suspension data, offering insights by grade, and demographics.
Enrollment and Demographics

Enrollment and Demographics

Student Demographics -This dashboard will display current enrollment and student demographics, including race, grade level, language fluency, and special education status.


CAASPP Test Results - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
ELPAC Test Results - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California